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Secure Water Project

Secure Water Project

Background and Objectives of the SecureWater Project The SecureWater Project was a project funded by the USAID Feed the Future (FtF) program through the International Fertilizer Development Center Agricultural Technology Transfer Project. The overall goal…
Pave Irrigation Project

Pave Irrigation Project

PAVE Technology Most parts of Northern Ghana and in sub Saharan Africa suffer the effects of climate change (flooding, waterlogging and drought). The impact of this continuous to affect productivity of poor smallholder farmers. In…
Little Green Hands.

Little Green Hands.

Little Green Hands (Environmental Education For Children). Tomorrow’s leaders need to be equipped for tomorrow’s challenges, and we must adequately prepare our children for the future they will inherit. That requires a commitment to providing…
Girls for Environment “G4E”

Girls for Environment “G4E”

INTRODUCTION Girls for Environment “G4E”, is a new project under CA’s Environmental Education for Children program/ initiative, that will strategically focus on the initiation of a new proactive young people’s movement, who are responsive to…
Food and Agriculture Organisation

Food and Agriculture Organisation

DEVELOPMENT OF A TRANS FRONTIER CONSERVATION AREA LINKING FOREST RESERVES AND PROTECTED AREAS IN GHANA AND COTE D’IVOIRE   Fragmentation and loss of wildlife habitat has threatened the existence of many species in the high…