Recognizing the conservation efforts of the 5 CREMAs, the ENFALP supported about 750 CREMA members (i.e. 40% women) with an Alternative Livelihood Scheme. These livelihoods are Beekeeping, Soap Making, and Economic Tree Nursery. These livelihoods were selected against numerous options including Snail farming, Quail farming, Fish farming, Mushroom production, Piggery etc. based on its environmental sustainability and the choice of CREMA members. This aimed at supplementing the income of farmers with the long term goal of reducing the pressures on the forest to help sustain the conservation efforts within the landscape.
The CREMA Executive Committee (CEC) and Community Resource Management Committees (CRMCs) organized and submitted the names of befitting beneficiaries upon several community engagements and deliberations. These beneficiaries were carefully and strategically selected through the CREMA structure without any influence from external parties or whatsoever. The agreed selection criterion was highly endorsed and deemed to be fair, transparent, and viable after CA and the other CBOs visited the CRMCs to assess the Beneficiaries Selection Criteria implemented to that effect.