In order to improve conditions for participation in society, especially for those who are disadvantaged and marginalized, Conservation Alliance International focuses on the socially constructed differences between men and women, the need to question gender roles and relationships, and the origins and effects of class differences on development. Conservation Alliance International enhances the conditions under which local people, the youth, gender and other vulnerable groups in the society can fully participate in projects and programs to enhance social inclusiveness, balance and equity.

  • One woman one stove campaign

This was to promote the adoption of clean cooking systems within slums and densely populated communities in greater Accra region.

  • PAVE project

The aim was to increase crop yield, conserve water and create a source of income for smallholder women farmers in rural communities creating a path towards more sustainable development.

  • BOAME project

This project identified gaps in gender equality in the cocoa sector whilst enhancing cocoa farms. The project was aimed at supporting absentee land owner women involved in multiple enterprises in the form of finance and logistics under a scheme.

  • Bhungroo based research

Enhancing ecosystem services for small holder women farmers in northern region through an integrated Bhungroo based research.

  • Family life project

Alternative livelihoods for women in cocoa farming communities

  • SDM Project

Safeguarding the ecological integrity of Atewa forest reserve through adoption of best agricultural and conservation practice. The goal is to bridge the gap between women and men in terms of co-operate governance in conservation efforts and good agricultural practice


For more information on our programs and projects, contact [email protected]