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The need for specific government guidance and control of forestry activities in Ghana has become necessary due to changes that have occurred in the nature of Ghana’s forests since the adoption of the 1948 Forest Policy. This need also underpins our sensitivity to the serious reduction in the forest land area and the increasing local and international outcry over environmental issues relating to the forest. Besides, forestry plays a major role in the growth and development of the Ghanaian economy and the maintenance of environmental quality.

Forest and wildlife have together provided a wide range of socioeconomic and environmental benefits to Ghanaians since time immemorial and will continue to do so if we are able to manage the resources sustainability. Conservation Alliance works to build sustainable landscapes, protect primary forests and advance the rights of forest communities. Through its forest initiatives, CA helps communities implement effective forest and land-use policies, achieve national priorities and meet international commitments on climate change, biodiversity and land degradation